Many homeowners put off replacing or even repairing their garage door longer than they should. The longer you wait, the more damage can accrue and the more expensive the repair is likely to be. Here are several signs that it’s time to replace or repair your garage door pronto.
It’s a good idea to clean your garage door at least once or twice every year. Wiping off the dirt and grime that have accumulated on the surface over the course of the year will keep your door in great condition for much longer. Cleaning a garage door is simple and doesn’t require much time at all.
Everyone knows about spring cleaning, but in the garage door world, fall is the prime time to get some yearly to-dos crossed off the list. Spending a few minutes to check over your garage door and lubricate its moving parts can spare you a lot of frustration and avoid a potential breakdown when temperatures dip below freezing. Here is a list of garage door preventative maintenance tasks you should perform when the leaves begin to fall.
Topics: residential garage door installation, homeowner information
" door has a spring? Where is it?"
Part of our job in the garage door repair business is to educate our customers. Sometimes we’re able to troubleshoot with them over the phone and prevent a service charge and trip to their house. Other times, from asking the right questions, we discover the customer has a broken spring that needs a spring repair.
Topics: residential garage door repair, residential garage door installation
Did you know you could go green with your garage door? Many people don’t realize it's even an option. If you’re thinking about replacing your old garage door with a new one, consider a door that’s easy on the environment AND your wallet! “Green” garage doors are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons.
Can you fit your car into your garage? If the answer is “no,” then you have your work cut out for you. For those who answered “yes,” congratulations! You’re more organized than many of us! Even if you can fit your car into your garage, it might be a tight squeeze. Most of us could benefit from reorganizing our garages and getting rid of all the stuff that has found its way there over the years.
Topics: residential garage door installation, homeowner information
New Design for Classic Steel Garage Doors: Sonoma Ranch
Posted by Jeff Myers on Aug 10, 2015 4:17:00 PM
Wayne Dalton now offers a brand new design for classic steel garage doors!
The Sonoma Ranch design is a long panel version of our popular Sonoma panel design. Doors with the Sonoma Ranch design are built with 18- and 19-inch sections, allowing for more retrofit size options. Panels range in width from 8–18 feet. They are sold in 6-inch increments and are available in all colors offered by the models below.
Do you have a modern or contemporary home, or would you like to give your home a modern twist? If so, consider installing an aluminum garage door to complement your home and “wow” your neighbors!
Designing the Perfect Garage Door for Your Home in 10 Easy Steps
Posted by Jeff Myers on Jul 31, 2015 4:00:00 PM
If you’ve read our past blog posts, you may already know what a great ROI a new garage door can give you! If you haven’t, check out this great article: Upgrading Your Home’s Garage Door. In Iowa, specifically, replacing your garage door yields an average 72.9% return on investment. The national average is even higher—82.5%!
Revitalize Your Business with Aluminum Sectional Garage Doors
Posted by Jeff Myers on Jul 23, 2015 2:50:00 PM
Are you considering a remodel of your business’s exterior? Searching for ways to modernize the look and feel of your property? Giving your garage a facelift is a great way to get a lot of bang for your buck. Ranked as one of the top five property improvement projects with the highest return on investment (ROI), garage door replacements add value to your building and boost your business’s visual appeal.
Topics: commercial doors
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