In recent months, Door & Access Systems News Magazine posted this article featuring television stations across the country using hidden cameras to catch unethical garage door repair technicians doing shoddy work, performing unnecessary repairs, and overcharging unsuspecting customers. In response to this, we created the following list of tips to help you protect yourself against dishonest garage door repair in Des Moines.
As Mark Parlee, The Building Consultant, preaches, “Become a student of your own home…” Knowledge is power, and Mark prides himself on educating his clients about their homes. The same goes for Des Moines garage doors. Become familiar with your main entry point and the largest moving object in your home. When was the last time you thought about your garage door? Most of us don’t give it a fleeting thought until something goes wrong. A spring breaks or the door accidentally shuts on something, and within seconds your door becomes inoperable with your vehicles stuck inside, leaving you helpless and in immediate need of assistance. “Predicting when your spring will break is like predicting what the weather will be tomorrow. But knowing what to do and who to call when it does is half the battle.” Says Ryan Spooner, Residential Sales Specialist for WD Door. Don’t be a victim; educate yourself:
Five Tips on Choosing a Reputable Garage Door Repair Service
Three Red Flags
Allison Peet is the Marketing Coordinator at Des Moines WD Door. Ryan Spooner specializes in residential garage door installation and garage door repair at WD Door Des Moines. Locally owned in Ankeny, we have 25+ years of experience providing commercial garage doors, residential garage doors and garage door operators such as LiftMaster MyQ brand. WD Door also stands behind their work with Des Moines garage door repair.
Mark Parlee specializes in moisture intrusion, leak testing, and construction defects and building diagnostics. He’s a Certified EIFS Inspector, Certified Building Envelope Inspector and Certified Thermographer – IR Level 1.